CELTA stands for Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults and is a credential issued by various institutes that are accredited by the University of Cambridge to teach English in foreign countries. The credential is similar in nature to a TEFL or TESOL certificate. A CELTA course generally is comprised of lecture, exams, and practicum.

Are CELTA Certificates Accepted to Teach English in Korea?

Yes, CELTA Certificates are accepted by public school programs in Korea such as EPIK, GEPIK, and SMOE. Any position advertised in South Korea as requiring a TEFL/TESOL certificate can be substituted with a CELTA certificate.

Please note that you will need to request a letter from your CELTA institution specifying how many hours the CELTA course was equivalent to in order to apply for programs that have an hour-requirement for ESL certifications.

CELTA Certificates & In-Class Hours

CELTA certification programs that have classroom practicum will be accepted by programs that require an in-class component. Please check with your CELTA institution as to the hour-equivalent of the course’s in-class component.