Teach English in China

Explore amazing China! Rich cultural history and world’s best cuisine is waiting for you.

Teach English in China - The Great Wall

Why should you teach English in China?

Teach English in China, working at any school teaching programs in China offer dynamic experience with full of benefits and a long school vacations. Teach English in China is one of a perfect opportunity for you to experience a heritage culture and the most dynamic Asian food at one of lowest living cost. This means never hesitate to travel other cities within China or any other neighbor countries such as Taiwan and Korea. Korvia recruits only legitimate government issuing working Z visa teaching jobs within China!

Korvia has a longstanding reputation in the Asian ESL community as one of the most trusted and recommended agencies for finding great ESL positions in Asia. We’ve placed thousands of teachers over the years and hope to give many others the chance to teach English in one of the most dynamic countries in China as well as South Korea. The best part is that you can apply both Korea and China teaching program with Korvia!

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Choose from one of these great teaching programs!

Public Schools : Teach English in China

Teach English in China - Public school

Public school English teaching program in China is sponsored by the Chinese government that places teachers into various cities as well as provinces around China. Teaching hours and the other benefits are similar to Korean public school teaching programs such as EPIK and GEPIK. Public school teaching job is the most comprehensive English program, and applicants have the option of choosing both their preference for a school level (elementary, middle, high school) as well as a location.

  • Government Funded Public School

  • Half vacation pay during one month winter holiday period

  • Mass Program Recruitment Basis

  • Fall & Spring Intake Dates

International Schools : Teach English in China

Teaching English in China - International School

China has a wide range of international schools with an excellent reputation, mostly in the major urban cities. The international school operates on an individual school recruiting basis, which means you know exactly where you’re going before you arrive. A single subject credential can allow you to extend your professional career in China and you can make it easy for individuals to live comfortable yet active lifestyles.

  • Almost 2 months paid vacation per year.

  • Individual School Recruitment Basis

  • Fall & Spring Intake Dates
  • Experienced Subject Teachers Preferred

Language Training Centers : Teach English in China

Teach English China - Language Training Centers

Language Training Centers are privately owned academies with a variety of students ranging from elementary level to adults. Most of languages centers located in a high-density residential area or the center of the commercial district. Working hours are longer than public school programs however you can expect a higher salary than a public sector in China. Pre-made lesson plans are provided, and curriculum development is not required. Most of the centers are offering a free Chinese lesson as well as intense TEFL/TESOL program to train you to become a better ESL teacher during the contract.

  • Late afternoon starting time on weekdays

  • Individual School Recruitment Basis

  • All Year Around

  • New & Experienced Teachers Welcome

Pre-school & Kindergarten Schools : Teach English in China

Teach in China - Pre-school & Kinder

Teachers of the program will receive all the standard teaching benefits plus enjoy the highest starting salary of all the programs. This program is excellent for those that love younger kids and kindergarten teachers help build strong educational foundations for young minds, which is personally rewarding. Some children may be cranky or show signs of stress being away from home and the job requires patience and creativity. However, you get to witness children blossom into well-rounded and eager to learn. Kindergarten teaching will be very beneficial in building a career.

  • The Most Locations Across China

  • Individual School Recruitment Basis

  • All Year Round

  • New & Experienced Teachers Welcome

Living in China

China is a vast and diverse country known for its rich cultural heritage, rapid technological advancements, and stunning natural landscapes. With over 1.4 billion residents, it offers an incredible blend of ancient history and modern urban life. The western regions boast majestic mountains and expansive deserts, perfect for adventure seekers, while the bustling cities like Beijing and Shanghai are hubs of entertainment, cultural festivals, and world-renowned cuisine. China’s unique combination of urban excitement and tranquil countryside ensures that there is something for everyone. Explore China’s harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, from the historical sites of the Great Wall to the vibrant nightlife of its major cities, and enjoy a rich and rewarding teaching experience.

Key Facts

  • Language: Mandarin Chinese (official)
  • Currency: Chinese Yuan (CNY)
  • Government: Socialist single-party state
  • Major Religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity
  • Climate: Diverse, ranging from subtropical in the south to subarctic in the north

Chinese Culture and Lifestyle

Chinese culture is a unique blend of ancient traditions and contemporary influences, deeply rooted in respect, education, and community values. Politeness and showing respect to elders are central to social interactions, reflecting the strong cultural norms. The Chinese people are known for their hard work and dedication to education, which is evident in the country’s high literacy rate. Everyday life in China includes practical habits such as using umbrellas for sun protection. With countless convenience stores and street markets, daily life is incredibly convenient, offering a blend of efficiency and cultural richness. Embrace China’s harmonious mix of tradition and modernity, from the respect for age-old customs to the high value placed on education, and enjoy a rich and rewarding teaching experience.

Key Facts

  • Respect for Elders: Politeness and respect are fundamental aspects of Chinese culture.
  • Umbrella Usage: Commonly used for sun protection.
  • Work Ethic: Strong emphasis on hard work and education.
  • Tipping: Not customary; often included in the service charge.
  • Convenience Stores: Numerous convenience stores and street markets offer diverse services.
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