Teachers that have finished a teaching contract in Korea and have already secured employment at a new school must transfer their E2 status in order to work at the new school. Luckily, those teachers won’t need to obtain new sets of the documents they already obtained before coming to South Korea. We have created the following process guidelines to help you transfer your visa successfully.

This process is for those that are currently in South Korea and are transferring to a new school or institute. Applicants will need to visit their local immigration office in person in order to be able to complete the process. The service can be completed the same day they visit the immigration office, and usually no additionally days to process will be necessary.

The E2 Transfer process is broken into two different scenarios. Please choose the scenario that best matches your situation below and click to the expand the guidelines:

Applicants must visit their immigration office within two weeks after their new contract starts. Those that do so afterwards may face a fine.

Step 1

Locate the immigration office that holds jurisdiction over the area where your new accommodation is. If you have your own housing, please visit the immigration office that is in charge of that area. You may infer with your recruiter or online for help.

Step 2

Discuss with your co-teacher and school when you can leave school early in order to visit the immigration center. Make a reservation if possible. Immigration centers in Korea are usually very busy and only open from 9AM to 6PM.

Step 3

Obtain your original school documents from your co-teacher and/or school administration. Korvia sent your current school all of your documents when you were originally hired. You will need to take these documents to immigration with you.

1. Original contract and 1 photocopy of contract
2. Weekly teaching timetable
3. Status form of students
4. Photocopy of school business license
5. Photocopy of accommodation contract from the school
6. Confirmation letter of Accommodation Residency

Step 4

Please prepare the following to your local Korean immigration office:

1. Application Form (Report form)
2. Employer Change Form
3. Passport along with additional photocopy
4. ARC card along with additional photocopy
5. 30,000-60,000 KRW Cash

TEACHERS W/ OWN HOUSING ONLY: Teachers that own their own housing and/or taking the housing stipend from their school must bring with them a photocopy of their housing contract.

Step 5

Visit your local immigration office and present your application along with the required documents to them.

Step 6

Your E2 visa will be transferred the same day you visit the office.

Once you receive your passport and ARC make sure to verify that both the visa page in your passport as well as the dates have expanded on the back of your ARC card. Congratulations! You are now done!

Applicants must visit their immigration center before their ARC expires.

Step 1

Locate the immigration office that holds jurisdiction over the area where your new accommodation is. If you have your own housing, please visit the immigration office that is in charge of that area. You may infer with your recruiter or online for help.

Step 2

Plan a date on when to visit an immigration center and make a reservation if possible. Immigration centers in Korea are usually very busy and only open from 9AM to 6PM.

Step 3

Obtain your original school documents from either your new school or from the Korvia office. Please inquire with your recruiter as to if Korvia is holding them for you.

1. Original contract and 1 photocopy of contract
2. Weekly teaching timetable
3. Status form of students
4. Photocopy of school business license
5. Photocopy of accommodation contract from the school
6. Confirmation letter of Accommodation Residency

Step 4

Please prepare the following to your local Korean immigration office:

1. Application Form (Report form)
2. Employer Change Form
3. Passport along with additional photocopy
4. ARC card along with additional photocopy
5. 30,000-60,000 KRW Cash

TEACHERS W/ OWN HOUSING ONLY: Teachers that own their own housing and/or taking the housing stipend from their school must bring with them a photocopy of their housing contract.

Step 5

Visit your local immigration office and present your application as well as the required documents to them.

Step 6

Your visa will be transferred the same day you visit the office.

Once you receive your passport and ARC make sure to verify that both the visa page in your passport as well as the dates have expanded on the back of your ARC card. Congratulations! You are now done!

For questions or more information regarding the visa application process for teachers that are transferring schools, please inquire with your recruiter at Korvia.